Saturday, April 16, 2011

Some more progress....

The contractor explained to the crew how the screened porch was supposed to be renovated using more wood in the frame, but when he returned it was more like an open porch. Which do you like better? Screen, or no screen? This porch is the side entrance going into the kitchen. 
 No screen:

The house is still being prepped for paint. My mom is giving orders.
 The new back porch & steps.

 The back portion of the house is now joined properly. One exterior window was removed.
 Windows have new wood & primer.

 Bye, bye old screen.
 Old aluminum storm windows & screens are gone!
Notice the new trim on the lower part above the rock.

 Old paint has been power washed & sanded off.
 Back entrance is shaping up!

The contractor also removed the huge shrubs to the right of the portico because there was a break in the water line under them. I miss them, but will probably plant rose bushes instead. That's all for now. Hopefully, by next week I'll be able to take pictures of the new exterior paint!! Remember to FOLLOW!